The Simmons and Fletcher Local Missions Podcast

Meet Houston Missions: Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Paul Cannon Season 1 Episode 9

In this episode of the Simmons and Fletcher Local Missions Podcast, Host Paul H. Cannon talks to Diana Willetts, the Katy Area Representative for Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA).  There are several area representatives and numerous opportunities for parents to get involved as sponsors and students to get involved in Bible Studies.

About the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
FCA is an organization designed to help unite athletes’ passion for sports with their passion for Christ. Students hold Bible study meetings in “Huddles.”  Each Huddle has student leaders, a parent/adult sponsor, and a teacher sponsor. Members are encouraged and encourage one another to live out Biblical principles both within the Huddle and beyond. The organization encourages faith in action through volunteering and other group activities.

If you or your child’s school does not have FCA, you can apply for training on how to become a parent sponsor and how to introduce FCA to your school.  Visit to learn more about who to contact in your area to join or create a Huddle.

Meet Houston Missions and the Simmons and Fletcher Local Missions Podcast are presented by Simmons and Fletcher, P.C. Simmons and Fletcher, P.C. are a group of Christian Trial Lawyers who give back to the community by promoting local missions free of charge. Paul H. Cannon is the firm's managing partner.

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